cash cow

noun, Informal.
any business venture, operation, or product that is a dependable source of income or profit.
Examples from the web for cash cow
  • Procedures are a cash cow for hospitals and specialists.
  • For those with the right connections, this has been a major cash cow.
  • Not, however, before some companies had consigned their electronics businesses to the fate of the cash cow.
  • He was a control freak, who created a proprietorial cash cow, while convincing his exploited customers that he was a saviour.
  • It is a cash cow, capable of profits today but destined for the dust heap in the medium term.
  • But there's no question that the social game market, with its virtual currencies and unlimited stock of goods, is a huge cash cow.
  • But universities have their own weak point, their own vulnerable cash cow: lower-division undergraduate education.
  • Contracting with the government is actually the biggest cash cow in the country.
  • Others see it as a cash cow with sufficient resources to handle collateral interests.
British Dictionary definitions for cash cow

cash cow

a product, acquisition, etc, that produces a steady flow of cash, esp one with a well-known brand name commanding a high market share
Slang definitions & phrases for cash cow

cash cow

noun phrase

A source of money, esp a generous one: But all this leaves The New Republic Inc without a cash cow/ For a fairly blatant cash cow, Pisces Iscariot delivers some fine milk (1970s+)

Idioms and Phrases with cash cow

cash cow

A dependable source of profit, as in The small-appliance division is this company's cash cow. Although this precise term dates only from about 1970, milch cow was used in exactly the same way from 1601.